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Downsizing: Life In A Camper

Downsizing: Life In A Camper

I ascended the two small steps into the tiny bedroom.

The head of the bed was tucked under the edge of the camper.

Strike one.

Surely I would bang my head every time I sat up. Unless…I let the foot of the bed be the head of the bed? Okay, not strike one. Looking at the better than average storage in the room, my estimations grew. Gleaming like a diamond, the mirrored closet doors promised hanging space for my clothes. A treasure for sure.

Alright, this might work.

I tugged open the bathroom door and sucked in my breath. The word tiny was too big to describe the bathroom. Better shut that door and not think about taking showers in the standing coffin. On the plus side, I could take care of all my bathroom business without moving far.

On to the living room/kitchen, where the camper opened up somewhat. Possibilities grew. A place for a comfy chair, a spot for my television, maybe I could handle this. A small desk won my heart, but the area for my coffee bar sealed the deal. Yep, I could do this.

Looking around, I had to grin. It was just like God to call me out on what I had boasted. When I decided to sell my house, I joked about living in a camper and pulling it from one kid’s house to the next. If I wore out my welcome in one spot, I would just pull up the jacks and move on. Give them a little time to miss me and start the circuit again. God must be snickering in heaven.

Fretting about the decision, I hesitated. And worried. Could I really go from four bedrooms to 150 square feet? It would be a challenge. Wait! A challenge? I like a challenge. Bring it on. Extreme downsizing. One thing for sure, I won’t be spending a lot of time on upkeep. There isn’t much up to keep.

Here’s a shot of my camper!

Come along with me for my journey to smaller living.
Experience my struggles and victories.
Give me advice.
Laugh and cry with me as I share the adventure here on the blog.

Together we’ll conquer life in a camper.

Downsizing: Life in a Camper- Spicy

Downsizing: Life in a Camper- Spicy

"The Little Boy Within" published in Refresh Magazine

"The Little Boy Within" published in Refresh Magazine